3 Reasons to Use LED Lights on Your Home Hydroponic Kits

When you plan a new home hydroponic system, you have to choose lights for it. LED lights are a good option here. What are their benefits?

1. Energy-Cost Savings

Your financial investment in hydroponics doesn't stop once you've purchased and set up your system. In addition to the cost of buying plants and supplies, you'll have ongoing energy costs.

Some lights use more energy than others. They increase your power costs. However, LED lighting systems are cheaper to run. They produce better quality light without consuming a lot of power. So, they'll help keep your energy costs low.

2. Better Long-Term Efficiency

Some hydroponic lights lose some of their efficiency as they get older. They still work, however, their peak output reduces over time. Once a light loses peak output, it doesn't work as effectively.

This means you won't get consistent lighting on your plants forever. This could affect your growth rates and yields. You might need to replace your lights regularly to get optimum efficiency.

LED lights have a more consistent peak output over their lifespan. They rarely lose efficiency or output, but if they do, they will have lasted you much longer anyway.

Plus, their systems are also typically more customisable. So, you can set lights to the right output for different plants or growing stages. You can choose the light spectrum your lighting provides on all of your plants. This improves growth rates, quality and yields.

3. No Heating Problems

Some hydroponic lights get warm when they are switched on. This heat can affect the ambient environment in your kits. In some cases, it can directly damage your seedlings and plants.

For example, fluorescent and incandescent lights can transfer heat into your kits. You might find it hard to maintain the levels of temperature control you need to promote effective growth.

Plus, if hot lights are positioned too close to seedlings or plants, then they can scorch them. This kind of damage can kill your crops or reduce their ability to grow and thrive.

LED lights don't get too warm. They usually stay cool to the touch even if they are switched on for long periods or are permanently on. They won't affect the temperature inside your kits and they won't damage your crops.

This low heat feature also reduces the number of accessories you need to add to a hydroponic system. For example, if your lights don't add heat, then you might not need to take as many, or any, ventilation and cooling measures to control internal temperatures.

To find out more about suitable LED lighting systems, ask a hydroponic shop for advice.
